Monday, November 23, 2009

ISPCA Food Fair 2009

Held on 22nd November 2009 at Yuk Choy Primary School.

The night before it was raining till the morning and it was still drizzling throughout the day.

The food fair was held together with a dog show. Strangely enough, there were only dogs present. No cats, no birds etc.

The event started with a walk around the field by the dogs together with their owners followed by a line-up in the field.
Yes, it was still drizzling at that time...

After the line-up, another walk around the field. This time on the tar road around the field.

The walk ended at a sheltered court where cheerleaders from AMC(Ave Maria Convent) - "Titans" prepared for a performance.

Followed by the introduction of the type of dog breeds present such as;



Golder retriever


German shepherd

Not sure what breed but it came from Australia

There are still other breeds present. The show ends with some obedience display and an obstacle course.

The food stalls sold foods prepared and sponsored by ISPCA members such as vegetarian food, fruits, pearl tea, fried chicken, fries etc. The food sales was assisted by the girl guides.

I left at about 1130am with some buns, guavas and kaya puffs.

You can always support ISPCA by donation, volunteering for their events and adopting the animals. If you are not able to care for the pet after adopting it, sponsor it instead. Lastly, if you are a pet owner, be a responsible one.

More pictures here